
This program is a camera app that stores the images as loss-less 24 bit PCX files in the current folder. Select a folder to store the PCX images from your camera and each time you take a picture the program will convert the RAW JPEG from your camera API into a PCX image and place the PCX image in the current folder. The PCX C++ class is from 'Windows Bitmap/PCX File Class (c) Wesley Hopper (HopperW2000@Yahoo.com)'. The JPEG libraries are from Independent JPEG Group. The JPEG wrapper class is from 'MiniJpeg - (c)1997, Chris Losinger'

Freeware - Download PocketPC PCXCameraFolder© Now!

To run these Pocket Visual Basic programs you need the free Microsoft Distribution Source Files located at http://www.CeBeans.com/runtime/runtime.htm




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(c)1998-2017 Vincent Collura ( Inventor / Engineer )